Westmoreland Museum of American Art Tour sponsored by WoTS (offsite)
Thursday, March 16, 2023 • 23 Adar 5783
9:00 AM - 2:00 PMOffsite
WoTS invites you to join them for a tour of The Westmoreland Museum of American Art in Greensburg, Pennsylvania.
We will meet at Temple Sinai at 9 AM to carpool for this approximately 45 minute drive. After a tour of the museum, we will have some free time to revisit favorite pieces or browse the gift shop.
The Westmoreland Museum of American Art is devoted to American art, with a particular concentration on the art of southwestern Pennsylvania. Art lover Mary Marchand Woods bequeathed her entire estate to establish The Woods Marchand Foundation in 1949. Read more about the museum…
Before returning to Temple Sinai, we'll have lunch at Sittay's Mediterranean Kitchen in Greensburg. (A limited menu will be sent to participants prior to the trip so we can preorder lunch.)
Cost: $25 (includes a donation to the museum, lunch with shared appetizer, entrée, and soft drink/coffee/tea)
Space is limited to 30 so make your reservation today!
Image: Pittsburgh, PA, Emil Bott, 1851, Lithograph on Paper
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